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How to Properly Invest in Social Media

Did you know that nearly 50% of the world’s population uses some form of social media? Of those 3 billion+ people worldwide, 54% use social media to research products before they buy them. So it’s no surprise that social media has become a force of nature, allowing brands to connect with their audiences instantly. In order to maximize your brand’s potential, it’s important to make sure you’re properly investing in social media.


How to Best Invest Your Time and Money

 If social media efforts aren’t on your priority list, then chances are you probably have not spent much time thinking about them. You’ve probably even assigned them as a “side task” to an employee or intern.

 If you’re able to, investing in a paid employee or agency to run your social media accounts is a great way to make sure your channels are getting the constant attention and maintenance they need. Professional social media account managers are knowledgeable enough to know where your money is best spent, and they can help introduce your brand to more people over time and drive brand engagement with those people.

 On the other hand, hiring a new employee is not the most viable option for many small businesses. Additionally, many small business owners don’t have time to navigate social media and monitor their platforms. If this is the case, then investing in an online tool may be a better option. For example, Ripl is an app that gives small businesses the tools to easily create, post, and track social media content across platforms in a short amount of time. (Full disclosure: Ripl is not only a great tool, but also a client of Curator).

The More You Know, the More You Can Grow

 If you’re interested in using social media tools for yourself or your business, there are plenty of ways to stay knowledgeable. It doesn’t matter if you’re new to the game or if you’ve been doing this for years, we can always learn more about social media and how to achive and exceed key metrics. Staying up to date on social media channels also allows you to get a better understanding of who your audience is, and how to get your message across effectively.

 Luckily, there are many certification programs online that tailor to your social media’s specific needs. Do you need help with things like creating paid media strategies, tips for specific platform marketing, or engaging your target audience? If so, HubSpot Academy is a great online tool that offers free courses in topics like these and many more. You can take each course on your own time and at whatever pace works best for you.


Executing Trends Correctly

 One of the most common tips you’ll hear when it comes to social media is to stay on top of the latest trends. While this is important, we often forget that not just knowing the trends, but rather correctly executing based on them should be our priority instead. Sometimes brands will partake in the latest trend, but it will completely backfire. Don’t worry, there’s always a way to make sure we do better next time.

We see younger generations on platforms like Twitter or Tik Tok whose latest trends or meme creations sends social media into a frenzy. When this happens, we see social media channels flood, as everyone is trying to participate with their own version of it.

As a younger individual myself, I’ve seen way too many brands who try to partake in the latest trends and memes, but it doesn’t sit right with their audience. Trust me, with this generation, it’s easy to tell when an “older” person is the one creating the meme on behalf of the brand. Usually, the hidden meaning behind what makes the meme funny is missing, or maybe the person missed the mark completely. This leads to cringe-worthy posts and a disconnect between your brand and the younger audience.

 A simple solution is to include young people in the creation of your social media efforts. Consider having a younger, social media-savvy employee managing your pages, or get feedback from your younger audience members on something before posting. Having this kind of feedback can also provide insight as to whether the trend is still in style or not. Believe me, the last thing you want after trying so hard to do the trend right is to do it way past its prime. Trends come and go like the wind, so you need to be able to adapt and act quickly. 

Overall, social media can really pay off for your businesses if executed correctly. Committing yourself to properly investing in your social media and staying current on the latest social media updates can help you hit your intended mark and build a stronger connection with your audience. Social media can surely take your brand to new heights, so it’s important to understand its value and use it effectively.