Curator PR

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Meet One of Our Spring Interns: Kira Dudsic

Hello everyone!

My name is Kira Dudsic and I am one of the spring interns at Curator. Raised about 20 minutes away from the city, I’m a Seattleite through and through, and am grateful to be finishing my second year at the University of Washington surrounded by our beautiful cherry blossoms! As a Marketing and intended Psychology major, I’m fascinated by how people consume not just product, but news and media as well, which is why I’m excited to explore the world of Public Relations.  

I once visited a design agency in Seattle and was amazed at how such different roles could function together to complete a single project. Since then, I knew I wanted to be in a fast-paced, tight-knit environment where I could work on different projects with clients in multiple industries. I love America’s high entrepreneurial spirit, but with that comes an almost overwhelming number of brands, companies, and organizations. I admire the work of Public Relations as it has the power to help big and small organizations alike in capturing the consumer attention that many companies must compete for today.

In a world run and revolutionized by technology, not many companies offer mentorship in PR, which is why I’m grateful to have scored a spot at Curator. I’ve always had an appreciation for good storytelling, and I’m eager to broaden my understanding of this age-old practice in a business setting.

In my free time, I enjoy making cards, baking bread, and watching Disney movies (just the animated ones, please!).

My experiences in college thus far have taught me that if there’s a key to anything in life, it’s communication. While a blanket statement like this is easy to say, I’ve found that it’s hard to put into practice. I’m inspired by those who have mastered this art and look forward to learning under the guidance of a few of them here at Curator.

Kira Dudsic