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The Use of Podcasts as a Communications Strategy

Whether representing a company or used for personal branding, podcasts offer a unique and strategic way of communicating. Unlike traditional social, print and online media, content creators can use podcasts to communicate marketing messages to larger audiences by subtly combining them with valuable content, all while providing entertainment.   

Podcasts have a dominating power over all other social platforms because this revolutionary media can keep up with society's busy, ‘always-on-the-go' lifestyle. Whether that be listening on your commute to work, exercising, or simply writing a blog post, anyone can learn and benefit from podcasts, while still being productive. Though entertainment comes as a priority, consumers may not realize the persuasion, branding and advertisements often hidden throughout episodes. When media is delivered directly into the audience’s ear, it creates a personal relationship. After some time, this unfolds into a successful podcast through effective branding and building a client-base. 


Why are podcasts as a medium so effective? 

Curator has experienced first-hand the benefits of using a podcast as a communications strategy. One year ago, Curator was working with our client, Engine 2, to help promote the benefits of a plant-based lifestyle. While Curator’s Principal, Scott Battishill, has always been an avid podcast consumer, he noticed there weren’t any podcasts advocating plant-based lifestyles. He didn’t want someone else to own this space, so Curator and Engine 2 came together to create the podcast, PlantStrong. After strategic planning and organizing, PlantStrong had 10,000 viewers within the first day and generated more than one million downloads in one year. 

 This media outlet continues to form a captive and engaged audience. It allows consumers to tune into topics and influencers that they relate to and are compelled to create connections with. Battishill shared his experience from this award-winning communication strategy, “even if you follow someone on social media, podcasts are in someone's ear for half an hour. You build relationships,” said Battishill. “The most important component is that you need a podcast that is compelling and that someone would want to listen to.” This form of communication also stands out against the rest because unlike a typical advertisement, podcasts allow the producer to hone in on their target audiences, thus building a stronger community. 


The PR power of branding your podcast 

Not only are podcasts entertaining, they are an important platform for advertising. Unlike traditional social media, audio content allows listeners to connect to the host because they feel this openness when engaging with the storytelling. Better yet, there is something for everyone to listen to.

 According to bango media, there are three types of branded podcasts. The first aims for brand awareness. This creates an environment for the brand to show off their area of expertise and to create a group of individuals who support similar missions. A good example of this is Trained by Nike, which focuses on fitness and aims to help listeners become a better trainer and athlete. The second type of branded podcast aligns the subject matter to a company/client's values, such as The Oprah Winfrey Show: The Podcast that looks back and reflects on the show and important moments and topics from the show. Shared motivations will overall promote publicity and build brand awareness. The third and final is when a business collaborates with a company or influencers to promote publicity and sponsorships through money and the creativity of others. The Daily by the New York Times is an example of this since it features interviews from Times journalists and other related interviews.


Podcast revenue growing and gaining popularity 

According to Forbes, “podcast ad revenues will grow faster than pretty much any other form of media in 2020.” A U.S. Podcast Advertisement Revenue Study found that revenue from this media platform is nearing $1 billion, standing at a total earning of $708 million in 2020 with a 48% YoY growth. 

Podcasts provide a high-quality experience that keeps consumers coming back. A producer must prioritize the content, audio and plan in order to gain popularity. Big brands use the marketing mix of display, video and audio ads to reach all possible audiences. Audio is a popular strategy because podcast audio advertising has become a priority for brands. This form of advertising offers the right nature of listeners, being that these are typically people who want to be educated. It also offers a key source for collecting valuable data on target audiences, as well as focused advertising that will improve return on investment. Businesses who are looking to collaborate will seek high-quality podcast content to target audiences efficiently.  


Effects from the COVID-19 pandemic 

Despite the uncertainty every media platform has faced over the past several months, the podcast ad industry was able to maintain a strong overall market strength. Although the growth projection has declined by 14.9%, the total ad revenue expected for 2020 is still up 14.7% and it’s on the rise. The reason why this industry had remained a dominant social outlet is because podcasts can quickly adapt to advertisement messages and discussion topics. 

 With stay-at-home orders in effect across the country, society was forced to drastically limit social interactions. Podcasts offer a fun, informative and interactive platform to keep individuals busy while they are social distancing. Companies and influencers have been able to empathize with their listeners while everyone's lives have been impacted in some way. This is a critical part of a successful podcast: being able to build relationships with your audience. Not only does this create a dependable viewing community, it also encourages those to spread the word to promote publicity. As podcasts continue to increase in popularity, our team at Curator has provided some of our favorite podcasts we enjoy listening to. 


Curator’s podcast favorites: 

Scott: (Aside from PlantStrongFinding Mastery & Criminal - My wife and I like to listen to these on long car rides. 

Belle: How I Built This with Guy Raz - It’s a great business-focused podcast with execs who share their stories and insights on the industry. I listen to it when I’m getting ready in the mornings or sometimes when I’m driving. 

Dan: Pod Save America – It’s an excellent political discussion podcast. I listen in the car or in the mornings while making coffee and getting ready for the day. 

The Wild – Great stories about the outdoors. I listen in the run-up to whatever hike or a camping trip is coming up. 

Boone: The Sharp End & The Dirtbag Diaries - I like podcasts when I’m on the trail, driving on a long road trip or just unwinding around the house. 

Delaney: Getting Curious with JVN – Each episode focuses on a different question that you likely have been wondering yourself, and brings in an expert to provide answers. It’s a great combo of listening to someone I admire and educating myself. I typically listen to this podcast when I go on walks. 

Amy: The Doctor’s Farmacy with Mark Hyman, M.D. - I always listen to this when I am writing essays or working on projects in the library at WSU. 

Ana: Views - I am a huge David Dobrik fan so I like listening to his podcast during my morning routine and when I’m making breakfast.