A Gluten-free, Curated Shopping Experience
At Curator, we are fortunate to include Whole Foods Market on our list of client partners. This week, I had a client meeting at one of their stores. Lucky me, right? They were excited to show me a special section they built at the Redmond, Washington store for the increasing number of people who are following a gluten-free diet. It’s basically a “store within a store” and it helps take the guess work out shopping -- an everyday experience that can be frustrating and confusing. It’s beautiful. It includes a large freezer section and rows upon rows of gluten free products and ingredients.
This is yet another example of how Whole Foods Market successfully manages to make a true connection with consumers. They have created a unique experience for shoppers with special dietary needs that makes it easier to find good foods to enjoy.
We loved this story, and the media seems to agree with us. Here’s a recent interview we set up for Whole Foods to talk more about gluten-free baking for the holidays.