A Social Super Bowl

Up until the last few years (#GoHawks) the Super Bowl would roll around and I would get excited about three things more than I would about the game itself: 

The Puppy Bowl. Admit it. This is the channel you flip to when the commercials are lame.

Indulging with amazingly bad, but oh-so-good game day snacks. Possibly the only time when potlucks are acceptable.

And finally, the holy grail of the marketing world: Super Bowl ads.

Looking back on games past, I can barely tell you which teams have played, but I can tell you that I cried when the Budweiser puppy returned home, similarly when the donkey got to run with the Clydesdales and how much I still cringe thinking about certain GoDaddy ads. Oh, and I can definitely tell you WASSSUUUUUPPP

What I love about ads now, is how the footprint and excitement lives well beyond just the :30 spot. Now we have teasers leading up to the primetime reveal and full blown social campaigns to engage people before, during and after. Other than the occasional Bachelor episode or Red Carpet special, I stay quiet on social while I'm watching TV. But not when it comes to Super Bowl. Bring on the banter! You can find me refreshing and refreshing to see what people are saying and share my own thoughts and opinions with the world wide web. There's just something fun about it that doesn't seem to compare to any other event. 

And according to this rad infographic from CrowdTap, it looks like the rest of you agree! 

See you in the Twittersphere this Sunday! 

- @c_allodi 





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