April Fool's Day 2015
Today in a hashtag is #trustissues.
Yes, I'm talking about good 'ol April Fool's Day. The one day a year where everyone becomes distrusting and skeptical of one another until the clock strikes midnight again. Despite the fear of being tricked and embarrassed, I find that there is also a lot of anticipation around what crazy things brands and celebrities will try to pull.
There's always the creatives who make us go "awww" or provide a good laugh. And then there are those that make us go, "Wait, why? Oh no. Did that really seem like a good idea?"
This year, true to form we've seen a mix and the day isn't over yet! Here are some of the April Fool's jokes the Curator team has been sharing around the office today:
Probably should've thought this one through a bit more: Seahawks star apologizes following outrage over April Fool’s prank
Whole Foods Market debuts its tattoo parlors
Barney's gives it to the dogs with #LickedinBarneys: Beastly Bites: Introducing Freds’ New Menu For Dogs and Licked In Barneys: Epic Late Night Shopping Spree Takes A Turn For The Soggy
Virgin moves to Branson, Missouri
Bauble Bar introduces its same-day carrier pigeon delivery via Instagram
Photo Credit: Bauble Bar Instagram - https://instagram.com/p/07wkh3r_xT/
Kanye (parody account) gets us good with his Tweet -
Miss Cleo helping with Benefit Cosmetics Beauty calls
Tinder and Uber joined faux-forces in an eerily real-seeming concept to combine services
The Therapy Dogs at Children's Healthcare Atlanta stole our hearts and their Twitter feed today
Photo Credit: Children's Healthcare Atlanta Twitter feed - https://twitter.com/childrensatl
And then there were these 29 people who just couldn't handle today.
Tweet us your favorites @CuratorPR!