Curator News Feed: March 13, 2015
Afternoon Pie by Chad Miller licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0
Tomorrow is 3.14.15, AKA Pi Day. And this makes us happy. You know what else makes us happy? The fact that it's Friday and we get to share the coolest news roundup ever.
2015 TACOMA RAINIERS LOGO AND UNIFORM SET,, For fans of rebranding (and baseball), check out the Tacoma Rainiers' new uniforms, which look awesome. My only criticism is that it would have been cool to see them use sock stripes, kind of like how the Mariners did on their new Sunday alternate jerseys. Overall, though, great work. If I lived in Tacoma, I would buy one of the gray road jerseys, for sure. - Paul
Everything Apple Announced Today, Tech Crunch, I stopped listening after I heard gold macbook. - Brooke
I’m using Apple Watch to train for one of the world’s biggest marathons. Wish me luck! And check back each week to see how it’s going, Apple, I think everything about the way Apple markets is elegant. It's clean and simple, told through short emotive stories and beautifully shot. Of course their newest addition is no different. As a fitness enthusiast I wanted to check out the new watch for its fitness benefits. And instead I spent 20 minutes on the site being drawn into a story. I think the watch is cool for what if offers and LOVE the way they're marketing it. - Scott
Derek Zoolander Just Walked The Valentino Show At Paris Fashion Week, Buzzfeed, Valentino is brilliant. - Brooke
Top MLB Prospect Lives by His Own Rules - in a Van, ESPN, If you've ever wondered what it would have been like if Christopher McCandless were the Blue Jays' hottest pitching prospect, Daniel Norris is basically the answer. - Paul
The Complete Guide to How Food Has Invaded Pop Culture (At Least According to Us), Bon Appetit, How food and pop culture collide (according to Bon Appetit magazine). - Jennifer
Phone Need a Charge at SXSW? Mophie and a Pack of St. Bernards Want to Help, ADWEEK, "Since we're still living in a world where unlimited phone batteries don't exist—and a world where dogs are still super awesome—cell-savior Mophie is coming to SXSW with a pretty unique promotion."
Kevin Bacon Does Ads for Eggs, Because What Goes Better With Eggs Than Bacon? ADWEEK, "Kevin Bacon has traded off the whole "six degrees" thing in ads for years. Now it's time to put the Bacon to work."
President Obama Reading Mean Tweets Is Your American Dream Come True, Huffington Post, Presidents usually loosen up a bit in their second terms since they don't have to be re-elected. Pres. Obama appears to be on a prolonged tour of Internet comedy tentpoles. The latest stop: Mean Tweets. - Paul
Asics is Gearing Up for the Largest Course Activation Lighting Ever Ahead of the LA Marathon, Los Angeles Magazine, Shoutout to my friends at Vitro -- this is rad! - Chelsey
Ad of the Day: Robert Downey Jr. Surprises a 7-Year-Old With a Bionic 'Iron Man' Arm, ADWEEK, Hands down my favorite ad/video I watched this week. RDJ is the man.
Father, Son Make 50 States of Food, Yahoo! Food, I'm just a #kaleifornia girl living in a #quinoashington world. - Jennifer
Trans Teen Jazz Jennings Becoming Clean & Clear’s New Face Is More Important Than You’d Think, Yahoo! Style, This is pretty huge: Clean & Clear has made a transgender teen the face of its new ad campaign. - Paul
5 THINGS YOU DIDN’T KNOW ABOUT GREEN BEER FOR ST. PATRICK'S DAY, Food and Wine, "The best green beer is made with blue food coloring." You're welcome! - Ann Marie
Client Reads
CTV Morning Live: Last Minute March Break Ideas, CTV News, Check out some Loreto love on CTV News in Ottawa as a result of our first FAM trip to Villa del Palmar at the Islands of Loreto via WestJet's new nonstop service from Calgary, Canada. - Noelle
Pam & Gela designers to show their spring collection at Bloomingdale's, LA Times, Brief coverage of Desert Hills Premium Outlets in the LA Times. - Noelle
Wilsonville company receives Whole Foods grant, Wilsonville Spokesman, Whole Foods Market's Local Producer Loan Program fuels some of Oregon's beloved local food businesses. - Ann Marie