#ProTips for a Meaningful Internship
Image courtesy of Lauren Mancke, Unsplash
The last three months have whizzed by and it’s unbelievable that my time at Curator is coming to an end. During my stint as a PR intern, I’ve had the privilege of learning from these great professionals and I hope to emulate their work as I graduate from Seattle University and continue on in my career.
I learned a ton at Curator and, not only did I develop some great PR skills, I also gained confidence in my work and learned a lot about what life after college will look like. With that said, I want to share my top five #ProTips for future interns. These are all skills I'll be taking with me on my professional journey.
Master #KeyboardShortcuts
Learning and using keyboard shortcuts will increase your productivity exponentially. Memorize these shortcuts for Mac users and PC users to make all your copying, pasting and multitasking needs a breeze.
Find the Right Organization and #TimeManagement Practices For You
As an intern you’ll most likely have a lot on your plate between juggling school, work and extracurricular activities. Therefore, it's essential to find what organization tactics work for you. Personally, I need to write everything down by hand because it helps me remember better. Plus, it always feels so good to cross items off of my to do list. However, everyone is different and it’s important to find what tricks work best for you. Check out these ten time management tips from Entrepreneur that will help maximize your productivity.
#TopKnotch Work. Always.
It’s never enough to just double check your work. Always go through everything you've completed with a fine-tooth comb before you hit the send button. If time allows, once I think I'm finished with a project, I go on to another project before sending it. After some time away, I can always spot mistakes and edits since my brain took a break from it.
Be #Informed
Pay attention to the news and stay informed on a variety of topics like current events, hard news and pop-culture. Not only will you have some great water cooler topics to discuss, you will be a more well-rounded human. I get my news from Twitter and use their handy dandy lists function to easily navigate between Seattle, Portland, national and global news, as well as industry, celebrity and sports news.
Keep in mind the #BiggerPicture
I believe it’s crucial to remember the bigger picture in just about any aspect of life. In regards to public relations, it’s important to keep your clients in mind and do everything you can to boost and support them, remembering that smaller tasks truly do add up to the bigger picture. In terms of life and motivation, every thought, word and action adds up and can make a big difference.