Meet the Summer Interns: Introducing Ana


Hello everyone! My name is Ana Lanzara and I am one of the summer interns for Curator. This fall I will go into my senior year at Washington State University studying toward a double major in Public Relations and Multimedia Journalism. This summer, I am very excited to immerse myself in the public relations field and gain real work experience. I look forward to learning new lessons and insights from professionals that can help me reach my career goals.

At first, I chose to study Journalism because of my passion for writing and storytelling. I have always been interested in media studies, especially during a time where everyone relies on media in one way or another. Along the way, I decided to take some Public Relations classes as elective credits and ended up enjoying every part of it.

I am originally from Caracas, Venezuela but was raised in Sammamish, Washington. I feel blessed to have grown up influenced by both cultures because it truly represents who I am today. Ballet was a huge part of my life growing up. I danced with Pacific Northwest Ballet School in Seattle until the end of high school. While I do not dance anymore, I still enjoy keeping up with it when I can. This last semester, I was lucky enough to study abroad in Italy, which sparked my interest in travel, culture and, of course, food! During my free time, I love having movie nights with my friends, trying out new restaurants (sushi is my favorite), and listening to all kinds of podcasts. During these long quarantine days, I have been growing my collection of face masks and books to keep me busy.

 While I may not have a dream job in mind just yet, I am focused on experiencing all different kinds of creative opportunities to find my path. I hope to discover a job in the PR field working with lifestyle, fashion, or beauty brands. I’d also love to work with social media branding or writing for a big news outlet.

Go Cougs!


The Story of Safeco's Curated Experience


Meet the Summer Interns: Introducing Amy