The Curator News Feed: February 27, 2015
"Sliced Oranges" by Caitlin Regan is licensed under CC BY 2.0
Cheers to another successful work week, everyone! Here's a roundup the trendiest news on the web this week, some things that caught our eye, and a killer client read.
8 Beliefs That Limit Your Leadership Potential, LinkedIn, "Stereotypes aside, why would each individual take a very different course of action when they all wanted the same result? The answer lies in what possibilities we allow ourselves, and our realm of possibilities are a direct function of our belief systems."
Christopher Guest Channels Best in Show for Brilliantly Bizarre PetSmart Ads, ADWEEK, "The brand, with agency GSD&M, hired the writer, actor and filmmaker to direct a set of commercials in his signature mockumentary style, under the slogan "Partners in Pethood." The results are, unsurprisingly, great."
The Hills Are Alive With the Sound of Lady Gaga Killinnnn' It, Gawker, Impressed. - Anna
‘Lego Movie’ Picks Up Tweets Not Trophies at Academy Awards, Bloomberg, "Everyone can connect with Legos" -- love this, even though I had to mute the TV when the not so awesome song started. - Chelsey
Kendall Jenner Had NYFW’s Most-Liked Instagram, NY Mag, An analysis of NYFW by Instagram numbers because if you didn't Instagram it, it didn't happen. - Brooke
Hello Kitty Fans, Prepare to Freak Out Over This Plane, Popsugar
Lawmaker with lavish decor billed private planes, concerts, AP The Big Story, A reminder to always be mindful of what you share on social media: The AP used Instagram geolocation data to show that Rep. Aaron Schock has spent taxpayer and campaign funds on private planes owned by some of his biggest donors. Not great, especially when you're already facing an ethics inquiry and have an office modeled after Downton Abbey. - Paul
Netflix Uses One Brilliant Tweet to Show Why You Should Be Afraid of Comcast, ADWEEK
'House of Cards' campaign posters inspired by famous presidential slogans, Mashable, "Democracy is so overrated." It's February 27th! Welcome to the Underwood administration. - Ann Marie
Client Reads
Retail Therapy: It's the week for eating out, Huntington Beach Independent