The Curator News Feed: March 20, 2014
Cherry Blossoms by Jeff Kubina licensed under CC 2.0
Hope everyone had a great week! We've rounded up some exciting things happening on the web this week, including a hilarious act by Will Ferrell, as well as some awesome client highlights. Take a look below!
Social Media’s Elusive Goal: Return On Investment, Women's Wear Daily, Return On Investment, Likes vs. Engagement, this article hits the two biggest debates in social media and gives you good reason why you should put your money into it. - Brooke
No, Will Ferrell Isn't Little Debbie's New Spokesman, but the Brand Appreciates the Offer, ADWEEK, "Last night Will Ferrell boasted a new job—Little Debbie's spokesperson—during a weird yet charming segment on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon. As it turns out, the brand was just as surprised as anyone else to learn about their supposed new hire."
From Skid Row To Rome: The Story Of An Unusual Running Club, NPR, A running club in LA's Skid Row will participate in the Rome Marathon on Sunday. This story is incredible. - Ann Marie
A Critical Cinematic Study of the 2015 Seattle Mariners Commercials, SB Nation, In honor of this year's Mariners commercials, which are, frankly, the best in years, here's a really, really, really, really in-depth analysis of all four. - Paul
Will marc by marc jacobs bite the dust? Nylon, Farewell Marc by Marc Jacobs (tear). - Chelsey
Infographic: Here's Just How Freakishly Obsessed People Get With March Madness, ADWEEK, Crazy. Also feeling bad for all those Iowa St. fans... ouch. - Anna
Client Reads
Why the rush of Chinese tourists to the Seattle area is a boon for North Bend and Tulalip, Puget Sound Business Journal, Client Coverage for Seattle and North Bend Premium Outlets - Jennifer
Whole Foods’ mobile pop-up grocery expands in Portland, Portland Business Journal, Molly the Trolley is back! Portland's mobile grocer has expanded hours and new locations. - Ann Marie