Until Next Time, Curator!

Curator Intern Blog Series

By Lauren Macalalad, PR Intern

My time at Curator has come to an end and I am so incredibly grateful for the experience I’ve had. The team was always so helpful in answering any of my questions and lending me advice as I prepare to graduate from the University of Washington this month.

To the incoming intern, here are several things to keep in mind:

Raise your hand.

If you want the opportunity to work on a certain project or gain experience in a specific area, just ask. You will get a lot more out of your experience if you communicate what you are interested in working on. This is important to your own success as an intern because it shows excitement and initiative, and shows your team that you are willing to take on new challenges. Being curious and acting on that curiosity is the best way to learn and grow.

Be a sponge.

Coming in to Curator, I thought I had the basics of PR down, but I was quick to learn that agencies do the same things differently. That said, learning something new or re-learning something you already knew but in a different format are great opportunities to build upon your knowledge and gain new skills and fresh perspectives on how to tackle problems. No matter how much you know, you’re never done learning.

Own your work.

Although your title is Intern, you play an important role on the team. The projects you work on are your work, so always put 110 percent into everything you do. Over the course of your internship, you will work on countless projects and your role on each project will vary. Sometimes you will be taking the first swing at a pitch, or the team may need to you sift through a media list and update information, but whatever it is, every now and then, take a step back to reflect on what you’ve done and be proud of it.

Curator, thank you for bringing me onto the team and investing in my personal and professional development. I enjoyed all the opportunities to contribute to Curator’s work in various capacities and can’t wait to see where the skills I learned will take me next! Looking ahead, I’m super excited to take what I learned at Curator and continue pursuing a career in PR. Thanks so much!!!

All my best,

Lauren Macalalad

This blog was written as a part of Curator’s Intern Blog Series. The author, Lauren Macalalad, is a senior at the University of Washington studying communication, Spanish and diversity. Connect with her on LinkedIn and Twitter.


Curator Newsfeed: May 2017


Saying Goodbye to My Curator Internship