Happy Thanksgiving From Curator

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones from all of us at Curator. We're thankful for many things this year, especially our fabulous clients and our Curator family. But, just for fun, we're each sharing our favorite part of Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holiday! What's your favorite part of Thanksgiving?

The shared traditions. Every Thanksgiving, my family looks forward to my aunt's huckleberry pie. Not only is it delicious, but our family loves hiking to the secret spot by our cabin to pick the berries in the summer. -- Megan


Well, it’s hard not to say that the food is my favorite part of Thanksgiving. It’s the one time you can absolutely stuff yourself without feeling guilty! And, even though the actual meal isn’t always my favorite, the house never smells better than in the fall when you have turkey and pies baking in the oven. But, if I were to really pick my one favorite thing about Thanksgiving I would have to honestly say that the best part is that it’s the one day my mom will actually allow having football on in the background. Family, food and football – the best! -- Annie

My favorite part of Thanksgiving is spending time with all my loved ones. And all the yummy food doesn't hurt either! -- Noelle

My favorite part of Thanksgiving is spending time with family and sharing old and starting new traditions with our daughter Charlotte. Last year Charlotte, my mom and me made pinecone-turkey place cards for everyone at the Thanksgiving table. This year we're hosting Thanksgiving in our new house and the pinecone-turkey place cards will make their 2nd-annual appearance! -- Jennifer

Because I'm not the biggest turkey and stuffing fan, my favorite part about Thanksgiving is actually just getting to see old friends. Since most everyone usually comes back for the holiday, we have a tradition of going to the same local bar on the eve of Thanksgiving. It's not the most glamorous tradition, but it's always fun to see who shows up and learn what everyone has been up to.  -- Chelsey


For the past 20 years, Thanksgiving has been THE Robinson holiday. Since most of my siblings were spread across all four corners of the state, Thanksgiving was usually our last chance to get everyone together before the weather made travel difficult. As a result, it became the can’t-miss holiday and has evolved into a 15 hour gorge-fest filled with family, football and enough pie to give a buffalo diabetes. It’s amazing. -- Matthew

I love Thanksgiving! Aside from the fact it's a day devoted to food, I love sitting around the table with my family. We have everyone go around the table and say the thing they are most thankful for that year. It's great. -- Scott

Most of my close family lives nearby, so I'm very thankful to be able to see them basically all the time. That makes Thanksgiving kind of like any other day, except for the fact that I get a free pass to indulge one of my favorite vices: food. -- Paul

My favorite thing about Thanksgiving is spending time developing new family traditions with my kids. Seeing the joy in their eyes that comes from being surrounded by family and having them work alongside Robin and I as we prepare different dishes always brings a smile to my face. My next favorite thing is leftover turkey sandwiches. :) -- Dan

My favorite part of Thanksgiving is visiting family. Here's a throwback photo of about two-thirds of my mom's side, probably taken around Thanksgiving time: -- Maria photo[47]

Perhaps it’s strange, but my favorite part of Thanksgiving is the anticipation before the meal – the house smells wonderful, family and friends are gathered together, the wine is poured, games are being played and everyone is happy. -- Ann Marie


Curator Q&A: Scott Battishill


The Curator News Feed: November 22, 2013