The Curator News Feed: June 6, 2014

Wrap up your week with some good ol' muttbombing, The World's Toughest job, and incredibly awesome Fruit of the Loom Dad GIFs... happy Friday! tumblr_n19uejjhHI1ts9yjwo1_1280 (1)

Myspace Is Embarrassing Users With Old Photos to Win Them Back, Mashable. Nothing says join my social network like a little blackmail! Myspace is sending old photos to past users in attempt to lure them back to the site. Awesome. I only wish I had Myspace back in the day to see what they would send me. -- Chelsey 

Flatev Does For Tortillas What K-Cups Did For Coffee, PSFK. I too think it's time to build upon the K-cup model with other single-serving foods. Why not start with mini tortillas? This would make tacos a more common part of my diet, which I'm okay with. The only question is, how much is this thing going to cost? -- Megan

Ad of the Day: Dad Has the World's Toughest Job, Too, and It's Nothing Like Mom's, AdWeek. 'Toughest Job' sequel just in time for Father's Day. -- Chelsey

Lucky Detroit gets its own giant RoboCop, CNET. Hey everyone, it's time to celebrate 'Robocop Day' in Detroit! Of all the things Detroit is known for, Robocop is the hero the Detroit deserves..... as a ten-foot-tall bronze statue. -- Colin

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO): Net Neutrality, Youtube.  John Oliver has a terrifically entertaining explanation of why we should all care about the FCC's proposed new net neutrality rules. He also offers up this witticism/nugget of wisdom: "If you want to do something evil, put it inside something boring." (Internal note: This came from Matthew, so it's almost his link.) -- Paul 

Laphroaig Scotch Doesn't Mind If You Think It 'Tastes Like a Burning Hospital', AdWeek. I absolutely love Laphroaig—it's one of the Scotches I always look for when I walk into a bar and scan the shelf—and I love what they've done with this new, brutally honest ad campaign. -- Paul


Fruit of the Loom Turns GIFs Into Father’s Day Gifts, AdWeekPerfection. I love the way Fruit of the Loom identified a human experience we all can relate to with the kids' coupons, but made it relevant with the use of GIFs. -- Ann Marie

You'll Pry Luigi Year From His Cold, Dead Hands, A.V. Club. It's been a rough year-or-so for Luigi and Nintendo, and it seems that Luigi is taking it personally. Behold: The hilarious Luigi Death Stare meme. -- Paul

The Game Before The Game, YouTube. sit down nike... -- Shawn

Ad of the Day: WestJet Surprises a Hardworking Dad With the Sweetest Gift for Father's DayAdweek seems to be getting a lot of love this week! And, so does Father's Day (rightfully so), so here's another ad that definitely tugs at the heartstrings. Well done WestJet. 

Muttbombing. Haven't heard of "muttbombing" yet? The rule of thumb here is to "put a dog on it." Pretty smart campaign from Dallas Pets Alive! Everything you need to know is in this link. -- Noelle

Report: Here's the Face-Tracking Tech Amazon's 3D Smartphone Will Use, Gizmodo. I'm glad Amazon is at it again and is now hitting the bandwagon of 3D displays. On June 18 Amazon is suspected of releasing the big news of their latest foray in the smart phone market, a smart phone with a "3D" display that uses multiple cameras and gesture control technology (Think Kinect) to achieve the effect. -- Colin

Bonus photo: this. "Cody from The Bachelorette is the love child of Macklemore and Bradley Cooper." -- Paul

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