Most people think of their insurance provider on two occasions: When they’ve had an accident or when their policy is due for renewal. Not exactly the type of relationship you want with your customers. Safeco Insurance asked Curator to change that and to create opportunities for more positive touch points. So how do you make an insurance provider into a lifestyle brand?

People don’t buy a boat, RV, motorcycle or car to sit in their driveway – they buy them to create experiences. We tapped into that and created LiveLifeLocal, a social platform and website that connected people who love the lifestyle their vehicle provides with others who share their passion. By creating branded content about places to go and things to do with boats, cars, RVs and motorcycles, we helped position Safeco as a company that understands these life-involved consumers’ lifestyles. The site and its various social media platforms also created opportunities for significant earned media and influencer engagement. 

166 million

Brand impressions


Weekly site visitors