The Curator News Feed: June 27, 2014
This week, take a trip through what Curator was reading, from vertical city farms to why Juicy Couture failed and just about everything in between. Planetary Panoramas - 360 Degree Night-Sky Time-Lapse by Vincent Brady, Music by Brandon McCoy. This just blows my mind. Astrophotographer Vincent Brady took 360 degree panoramas to the next level with a 360 degree panorama timelapse of the stars. How he accomplished this effect was by creating a custom rig that joined together four cameras with fisheye lenses that were shot continuously for 3 hours per scene. He then stitched the footage together to achieve the insane effect. -- Colin
Does Chewing Gum Make You Look Like a Fool? Brand Tests Identical Twins to Find Out, AdWeek. Anyone else see this and kind of want a piece of gum? -- Chelsey
What Businesses Could Learn From The Fall Of Juicy Couture, FastCo Design. Beyond don't wear any pants that have "Juicy" on the butt, there's a lot to learn from the fall of Juicy Couture. RIP velour suits. -- Brooke
Vertical Farms As Big As Skyscrapers To Add Greenery To Seoul’s Skyline, PSFK. I'm intrigued by pretty much any urban agricultural concept -- from back yard bees to Seattle's urban food forest. This vertical farm design, or Skyfarm, is the stuff of sci fi movies. Is this what "local" will mean in the future? -- Ann Marie
You Can Now Chat Between iOS and Android Even Without Reception, Gizmodo. Freshly updated, the FireChat app that allows you to communicate with other devices without an internet connection is now able to communicate between iOS and Android! This is a great app to use for when trying to connect with friends at a music festival, coordinate an event that's out of cell coverage, chat with friends on an airplane, etc. It works by accessing numerous forms of connectivity and creates a mesh network outside of WiFi or a cell network. --Colin
Fashion puts men in a tight spot with pants that keep shrinking, Washington Post. At this point, I think we can all agree that Mitt Romney was ahead of his time. Or at least ahead of the Midwest voting bloc and its expectations regarding trouser spaciousness. -- Paul
What's on your mind? Short film that reminds us not to take other peoples' social media pictures and updates to heart too much. No one posts the bad stuff, anyway! -- Megan
Drink Westeros Wine Like Your Favorite 'Game Of Thrones' Characters, PSFK. This is a beautiful, beautiful thing! -- Brooke
That Moment When the U.S. Stopped Everything to Watch the Germany Match, Mashable. Because the World Cup is a big deal. But, this was probably the best part of all. -- Annie
Powerful Ad Shows What A Little Girl Hears When You Tell Her She's Pretty, Huffington Post. This powerful ad is a good reminder to parents of daughters that we need to praise their brilliance just as often as we praise their beauty. -- Jennifer
How Audi Created the World's Biggest World Cup Scoreboard, AdWeek. In honor of the World Cup, this is a pretty cool concept from Audi, but seems very costly. Do you think the impact was worth the cost? -- Noelle