Instagram Lessons to Learn from Kim Kardashian
No matter your feelings for the Kardashian family, you have to recognize their empire built and living through social media. Each new Instagram or Tweet always seems to earn them a few extra headlines in tomorrow's paper. Kim Kardashian's Instagram is one of those that I hate following, but admittedly can't click the unfollow button. She's made history on the platform, teaching us marketers how you can utilize it, but her account is also a tale of what not to Instagram. GOOD LESSON: Make it a real throwback on Thursdays Throwback Thursday has grown immensely on Instagram, allowing different opportunities for brands and celebrities to engage on social media. What Kim Kardashian does well is pulling photos from the Kardashian vault that doesn’t always put them in the most flattering light.
Note to marketers: If you’re sharing a photo from last Monday’s lunch meeting then you’re doing #tbt all wrong.
BAD LESSON: Sharing the same outfit in multiple Instagrams Listen Kim K., we know that Kanye probably did some backhand deal to get Giuseppe Zanotti to gift you the Balmain Couture dress, but one Instagram was enough. On your next, three Instagrams did you show us a new feature or something we missed in the first one? No. Your re-gram of the same outfit, from the same night only fulfilled enjoyment for you.
Note to marketers: You can say a lot in one Instagram, and most of the time that’s just enough to get your point across.
GOOD LESSON: Give exclusives
I was actually impressed that Kimye didn’t reveal their wedding photos in a 5 page spread in US Weekly. I guess they thought after Vogue, what’s the point? Holding onto their first kiss wedding photo to share on Kim’s Instagram paid off, receiving the record top liked Instagram of all time.
Note to marketers: Use different content for different platforms to keep users engaging an ALL platforms.
BAD LESSON: Flooding your Instagram with photos from the same event. You’re blind if you follow @kimkardashian on Instagram and didn’t see her excessive photos from the Met Gala this year. Her Insta-diary put you in the shoes of a 13 year old girl going to a radio concert with all her favorite bands. Sometimes I wonder if Kim K. plays the “how many celebrities can I Instagram in one night” game.
Note to marketers: Is Instagram the best platform to over-share from an event? Try to keep to 1-2 photos per hour of an event, highlighting the top items and leaving the rest for an album on Facebook.
*Photos via Kim Kardashian's Instagram account